Sunday 1 August 2010

Spongebob Squarepants

Look at this. It's nice. It made me smile when I saw it. I hope it makes you smile too.

Saturday 24 July 2010

My Phone

This is my phone.
Sometimes I don't get a lot of messages in it, and this makes me sad.
Sometimes I have too many messages in it and I have to delete some messages, this also makes me sad.
I like to keep the messages that make me happy, but sometimes I have to delete them as well. This can be very sad indeed.
Sometimes I delete all the messages in my phone because I want to start afresh.

Sometimes this can be cathartic.

But sometimes it is also sad.

Sunday 18 July 2010


Hello again. This is my favourite painting in the world. I found it in an art gallery in Edinburgh last year. It is by John Bellany.

I am not sure what this picture is trying to say, but that man does NOT look happy about having that fish on his head. Would you be happy if you had a fish on YOUR head? Probably not. Think about it. It would smell for one thing.

I wonder if the fish is dead or alive in this picture?
Either way it would smell.

Anyway, if you would like to find out more about the artist, you should visit his website:, because I feel a little sneaky putting one of his paintings up if I don't link him.

So there we go. Respect for artists is important, because, one day, an artist might paint you, and if you do not show them any respect, they will make you look fat in the painting.

Trust me, I know.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round

I'm not sure how you feel but I feel really quite disturbed by the fact that the small cartoon bus on this poster has some kind of weird hand extension. It looks like it has been given the ability to sexually harass its passengers. Not cool man, not cool.

Kinder Egg #2

BEST Kinder Egg Toy EVER.

It's a ghost in a snorkel riding a case you couldn't tell. Yeah.

Kinder Egg #1

The worst Kinder Egg Toy EVER.

What is it? I don't know. Don't ask me. I am as disappointed and bemused as you are. I think it was meant to fly. But it didn't. It crash landed though, that's for sure.

Actually contemplating writing a letter of complaint to the manufacturer*

*Not really - I have a life.

Thursday 8 July 2010

My Cat

My cat Barney is a charming and ridiculous creature who enjoys resting in the company of a small christmas tree in a flower pot.

What a lad.